Wednesday, February 22, 2023

R20 MPMC UNIT-1:: Instruction set of 8086 microprocessor -PDF

 R20  MPMC UNIT-1:: Instruction set of 8086 microprocessor -PDF

AY:2022-23, SEM-II



    Instuctionset of 8086 & Instuction format -PDF

The instruction set of 8086 can be classified into

1. Data Transfer Instructions

2. Arithmetic Instructions

3. Logical Instructions

4. String Manipulating Instructions

5. Control transfer Instructions

6. Processor control instructions


                              Instruction set 0f 8086

The size of 8086 instruction is one to six bytes.

In general the first byte of instruction will have a 6-bit opcode

and two special bit indicators d-bit and w-bit (or s-bit and w-bit )

(or v-bit and w-bit)

Some instructions will have 7-bit opcode and one special bit

indicator w-bit or z-bit

Some instructions will have 8-bit opcode

Some of the instructions will have 3-bit register field in the first

byte of the instruction

Monday, February 20, 2023

R20 MPMC UNIT-1:: Interrupts of 8086 -Notes

 R20  MPMC UNIT-1:: Interrupts of 8086 -Notes 

AY:2022-23, SEM-II

UNIT-1:  Interrupts of 8086- Interrupt Response 

         UNIT-1: Interrupts of 8086

The interrupts of 8086 are :

1. Hardware Interrupts

2. Software Interrupts

3. Divide -by - Zero Interrupt (Type -0 Interrupt)

4. Single Step (or) TRAP Interrupt (Type -1 Interrupt)

5. Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) (Type-2 Interrupt )

6. Break-point Interrupt (Type -3 Interrupt)

7. Overflow Interrupt (Type -4 Interrupt)

R20 MPMC UNIT-1:: 8086 Logic pin out - Signal description -Notes

 R20  MPMC UNIT-1:: 8086 Logic pin out - Signal description -Notes 

AY: 2022-23, SEM-II

UNIT-1:: 8086 Logic pin out - Signal description -Notes

INTEL 8086 IC has the following limitations

1. 8086 has multiplexed address, data and status signals

therefore these signal lines are to be Demultiplexed

2. Appropriate control signals need to be generated for

interfacing memory and I/O devices to 8086 processor

                  UNIT-1: 8086 logic pinout -notes

R20 MPMC UNIT-1:: 8086 Architecture - BIU - EU

 R20  MPMC UNIT-1:: 8086 Architecture - BIU - EU

AY:2022-23 sem-II

UNIT-1:   Architecture of 8086

Bus Interfacing Unit (BIU) : Functional units of BIU

Segment registers, Instruction Pointer, Address Generation Unit , Instruction Queue,  Bus control logic

Executing Unit (BU): Functional units of EU

General purpose registers (GPRs),  Pointer and Index registers , ALU , Flag register    

                            UNIT-1 8086 Architecture- Notes 

Instruction set of 8086 with examples

UNIT_2: Instruction set of 8086 Data Transfer Instructions-8086   Instruction set -8086 summary